Thursday, February 3, 2011

numbers that aren't used for counting.

You know when you have those moments that you think to yourself..."Why not? Why not seize the day?!" And then following that thought you proceed to do something that the big man himself only knows is not going to end the way the you wish/want/or hope for it to, but for some ungodly reason you yourself think and hope that this will be that one in a million chance that they DO end the way you wish/want/or hope?

For example-jumping into a pool filled with below 40 degree water on New Years Eve-not that that was recently done or anything; spending the money that you don't have on an overpriced item-in this case a wallet,which now holds no purpose considering the money to be held in the wallet was spent on the wallet itself; taking a random road trip on a whim, letting a friend drive your car for the sake of not having to drive-warning: don't try this, experience shows that it's not the smartest idea. results vary; or even the simple act of leaving your number on a cute strangers car-not that you know what kind of car they drive when attending a school with no secrets.

In consideration of the latter, like I said before, not every "seize the day" moment ends with the results that we hope for. When it comes down to it, I guess it's not really your fault for seizing the day. It is simply his (the strangers) bad for not accepting a "carpe diem" in return.