Thursday, April 28, 2011

funny isn't the word that comes to mind

I've been a Dave Matthews fan since I hit the age appropriate age to listen to their music; so when listening to my iPod on shuffle, it's no surprise when every other song that plays is a DMB song (similar to how Pandora is no matter what station you create.)

When in the car the other day, such an event occurred, and the song "Funny the Way it is" started playing. After singing along with the first verse and chorus (and receiving odd looks from those driving next to me because of my enthusiasm for the music) I got quiet and really started listening to the words. While the whole song creates irony for many situations, the one line stood out to me, "somebody's heart is broken and it becomes your favorite song."

As soon as that set in, reality hit at a whole new level. Whether or not it's right or wrong, are our lives run on the pain of others?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

getting kicks on route 66

Every year my dad and I drive across country to take me and all of my "stuff" to and from home in Nashville and school. Roughly, a 2,000 mile journey, packed with the two of us, and all of my belongings in the confines of my two door Honda Civic. To say it's a long and crowded trip would be an understatement-but it is one long and crowded trip that I look forward too every August and every May.

To makes things interesting we try to see something new on each drive; which normally means a different state or route. We seen things from hidden cities in the Colorado mountains, ghost towns, the buried Cadilacs, the Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, and most importantly-the worlds largest prairie dog.

When people hear that we are doing the drive or have done it, it's like they start to complain for us. "Oh that must be a miserably long drive!" What they don't realize? Not only do my dad and I get to see so many quirky findings in all of the states traveled, but we also get to make our own adventure every mile.  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a capital letter with a vicious meaning

Getting to know you.

Common question:
What's your biggest fear?

Common answers:
Heights. Spiders. Snakes. Public speaking. Flying. 

Mine? Sharks. Typing that word was hard in itself. I prefer to refer to the creatures as "S's", it just flows better for me-easier to approach. The thought of them makes me want to vomit. Seeing and watching them on TV, to me, is the equivalent to watching a horror movie (the one thing about summer I can't stand; they get a whole week dedicated to them). Real life events involving them? I prefer not to hear them. And the biggest downfall of all is that I love the beach; it's a big oxymoron in my life.

The other day in class, we were doing a "writing blast" to get our creativity flowing. Our professor named off a long list of questions giving little time to answer so we had less time to "rethink" our answers. The very last of the questions was "If you could be one thing that people feared the most, what would you be?" Without question I knew my answer, so I wrote it down on my paper. "S". 

I want to say that my fear has officially gotten the best of me.