Tuesday, April 19, 2011

getting kicks on route 66

Every year my dad and I drive across country to take me and all of my "stuff" to and from home in Nashville and school. Roughly, a 2,000 mile journey, packed with the two of us, and all of my belongings in the confines of my two door Honda Civic. To say it's a long and crowded trip would be an understatement-but it is one long and crowded trip that I look forward too every August and every May.

To makes things interesting we try to see something new on each drive; which normally means a different state or route. We seen things from hidden cities in the Colorado mountains, ghost towns, the buried Cadilacs, the Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon, and most importantly-the worlds largest prairie dog.

When people hear that we are doing the drive or have done it, it's like they start to complain for us. "Oh that must be a miserably long drive!" What they don't realize? Not only do my dad and I get to see so many quirky findings in all of the states traveled, but we also get to make our own adventure every mile.  

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