Thursday, April 28, 2011

funny isn't the word that comes to mind

I've been a Dave Matthews fan since I hit the age appropriate age to listen to their music; so when listening to my iPod on shuffle, it's no surprise when every other song that plays is a DMB song (similar to how Pandora is no matter what station you create.)

When in the car the other day, such an event occurred, and the song "Funny the Way it is" started playing. After singing along with the first verse and chorus (and receiving odd looks from those driving next to me because of my enthusiasm for the music) I got quiet and really started listening to the words. While the whole song creates irony for many situations, the one line stood out to me, "somebody's heart is broken and it becomes your favorite song."

As soon as that set in, reality hit at a whole new level. Whether or not it's right or wrong, are our lives run on the pain of others?

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