Wednesday, April 6, 2011

a capital letter with a vicious meaning

Getting to know you.

Common question:
What's your biggest fear?

Common answers:
Heights. Spiders. Snakes. Public speaking. Flying. 

Mine? Sharks. Typing that word was hard in itself. I prefer to refer to the creatures as "S's", it just flows better for me-easier to approach. The thought of them makes me want to vomit. Seeing and watching them on TV, to me, is the equivalent to watching a horror movie (the one thing about summer I can't stand; they get a whole week dedicated to them). Real life events involving them? I prefer not to hear them. And the biggest downfall of all is that I love the beach; it's a big oxymoron in my life.

The other day in class, we were doing a "writing blast" to get our creativity flowing. Our professor named off a long list of questions giving little time to answer so we had less time to "rethink" our answers. The very last of the questions was "If you could be one thing that people feared the most, what would you be?" Without question I knew my answer, so I wrote it down on my paper. "S". 

I want to say that my fear has officially gotten the best of me.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I like the lack of context about why you have this particular fear and your focus on the word that represents it.
